Touchscreen Firmware Update - September 2020 (WorkSeries 200 & 300)

Touchscreen Firmware Update - September 2020 (WorkSeries 200 & 300)

Check Current Firmware Version

This update is for touchscreen firmware Version 1.23.2+3. Please only upgrade if your current version is less than this version. To check the current version of firmware on your touchscreen follow the instructions below:
  1. navigate to the "Setup" tab at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Locate the Firmware Version text at the top of the setup screen.

Firmware update summary

This version includes some bug fixes to ensure your Work Series machine continues to run smoothly. There are 3 versions of the screen controller currently available. Please ensure you download the correct version for your controller. The version number is recorded on the back of the controller itself. If you have two holes in the bezel of your screen, this indicates you have the Integrated version.

If you have any issues with the update process feel free to submit a ticket

Note: If your computer does not recognize the screen controller, you may have to temporarily disconnect the grey ribbon cable and the 4-wire cable from the controller board during the update process.  Reconnect once complete.

Change log Version 1.23.2
- SD Card Icon to "Files"
- SD Card Icon in files menu to "Switch Card" to make it more clear for users
- Babystepping icons

- Confirmation popup when resuming a print
- Report Tool Offsets Button to setup screen
- Report IP Address button to setup screen
- Report Firmware version button to setup screen

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Extrusion rate not updating for the second extruder

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