Motor coupling change process

Motor coupling change process

 Part numbers:

Part number
Used for
Coupling half 5mm bore
All actuator shafts EXCEPT WS400 Y actuators
Coupling half 6mm bore
WS400 Y actuator shafts
Coupling half 6.35mm (1/4in) bore
3DP1000 stepper motor (non-step-servo) shaft
Coupling half 8mm bore
Step-servo motor shaft (WorkBench, WorkSeries)
Coupling insert green elastomer
All couplings

  1. Loosen the clamp screw (E1) and remove the coupling.
  2. Use an appropriate tool that will not damage the coupling to pry the coupling halves apart.
  1. Slide a coupling half onto the shaft to the correct axial position.
  2. Using a torque wrench, tighten the clamp screw (E1) to 2Nm.
  3. Insert the elastomer ring and press the two coupling halves together.  Ensure that the fit length (A) is maintained at approximately 10mm.
  4. Mount the assembled coupling onto the second shaft and tighten the clamp screw (E1) to 2Nm.

Coupling gap distance
Coupling mounting screws

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